Back pain under shoulder blade: left, right, two-sided, causes, and treatment

Because of the ignorance of the diagnostic specificity of the diseases of the spinal column begins to self medicate (compresses, salves, wraps, etc), but often all of this without any result, only a doctor can find the cause and prescribe a treatment. Why back pain under the shoulder blades?

the pain in the back

What can be the pain?

The shovel is located near the collarbone and the humerus, localizes in the posterior part of the back. In nature, Turkish bath bone, which has the shape of a triangle, to which are attached the muscles responsible for the mobility of the shoulder girdle. The ribs and the blade is a frame for the muscles of the entire back pain under the shoulder blades is not valid, it is necessary to diagnose the underlying cause and start the therapy.

The types of pain below the shoulder blades can be divided into several subgroups:

  • For location of pain (in which one of the blades; in the middle; give the sensation of pain in the chest or between the ribs; it is located above or below the shoulder blade);
  • For the nature of the sensations (pulling, burning, acute, spasm, pulse, gives, pain, flood, etc);
  • For the duration of pain symptoms (occurs with frequency, it begins abruptly, as the last heart attack, amplified or reduced the pain).

For an accurate diagnosis and identify the causes a doctor should ask for the details and understand what could be the factor that has caused the pain (e.g., spinal injury), and prescribe a treatment to the patient.

Causes of pain

Because the back pain in the area of the blades? The main fundamental causes are diseases of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract, diseases of the spine, problems with the lungs and the heart. Another important factor is the psychological state of the patient, and injury.

As a general rule, if the patient pursues the acute pain, the causes are of acute inflammation, tearing or muscular tissues (for example, in the event of a fall). If the symptoms of pain by pulling and not very strong, so the causes of headache are found in chronic diseases of the patient. Stupid description of symptoms of pain frequent companion of heart attack, or problems with the bladder.

The reasons for the pain in the back, below the shoulder blades, related to pathologies of the spinal column occupy a prominent place among the other factors. Because the spine holds the entire weight of the human body, thanks to him, the man is walking straight and not on all fours, like animals do.

If the back muscles are weakened, the man moves a little, the trouble starts with the spine.

Low back pain

If the muscles on the back and breast corset atrophies, and the man moves a little, the spinal column loses a role in the maintenance of the body and is accompanied by this pain. The vertebrae pressure on the discs between them, not giving the nucleus of the discs to fill with fluid. The discs start to sink, bulges, they appear empty. This causes an excess of irritation of the nerve roots, the vertebral column loses its elasticity and develops low back pain. The body, in its discretion, strengthens the spine, increasing its made of bone growths.

Spine loses mobility and the pain in the back, below the right scapula and the left. Symptoms of localized pain in the side where it attached to the nerves.

Osteochondrosis of the neck begins with the symptoms of pain in the nape of the neck, land with insufficient blood supply numb, begin the back pain under the shoulder blades. Often the pain is localized on the left side. Low back pain in the breast department begins with a sore back under shoulder blades. The pain makes the sternum. The patient complains of a feeling of heaviness in the chest during breathing. The pain that occur when osteochondrosis of the department of maternal, often, damage to the heart.

The back pain generate, and other causes, the most frequent is the pain in the lumbar back. Acknowledge it for giving pain to the leg, like an electric shock, unpleasant feelings with the progression of the degenerative disease of the disc moves under the left shoulder blade. During a long, body posture, without a change of position, and often when the patient sits covering the lower part of the back belt pain. Causes of pain just below the shoulder blades, connected with the diseases of the spinal column, are recognized with your doctor in case of symptoms to intensify symptoms of pain during the movement.

Diseases of the internal organs

Often the pain caused by heart disease. Getting sick under the shovel can the myocardial infarction, the satellite and pressing sensation in the heart. If the pain does not go to the gym or workout, and with a deep breath, the patient should be admitted urgently to the hospital. Still a brilliant pain symptom associated with heart attack need pain under the left shoulder blade along the neck, the jaw with the left hand or the left hand.

The causes of pain in the lower back of the shoulder blades are located, and problems with the GASTROINTESTINAL tract. In the first place, is a stomach ulcer.

With the progression of the disease the mucous membrane of the organ exposed to destruction by acid, causing irritation of the nerve of the diaphragm and begin attacks of pain under the scapula. Lead periodic, amplifying after meals or fasting. The pain goes away after an attack of vomiting, the application of warm compresses. The patient does not vomit, he vomits when it has reached the peak of pain.

Still a brilliant symptom is belching, heartburn strong. The pain go away from under the scapula, starts to give in the region of the heart. During the destruction of the walls of the stomach, the patient complains of giving pain to the shoulder or the collar bone, then covered, pales by comparison. Often causes of pain behind in the back are caused by problems with the light, for example, with lung disease. The pain in the right lung, localized pain under the right scapula. The patient coughs, the lungs, wheezing, shortness of breath.


The psychological problems of a person I can become causes of pain under the scapula. When people experience chronic stress, tension is transmitted to muscles of the back and the patient becomes difficult in the long standing or sitting due to an annoying pain. Often these causes are chasing people with a sedentary lifestyle, high levels of stress and aggression (manager, agents, vendors, consultants, administrators).


Can cause pain and trauma more of the bone, obtained in the result of falls or shock. Often, the cause is the damage the blades because of an elbow of the decline in the hand. The symptoms of pain will be expressing themselves with movements of the hands, and the scapula reddens and swells. The reason is always and inflammation bag the synovial fluid, then when you guide the shoulder blades feels a crunch, and the patient is experiencing in this field, heaviness and pain.

Another factor that precedes the pain – osteomyelitis. It manifests itself in a purulent inflammation of tissues, pain, intoxication of the organism. Occurs because of accident or a stroke of the knife. Less likely to cause pain becomes malignant neoplasms in this field, which affects the tissue around the scapula.


As well as factors previous pain syndrome, many, diagnostics to identify the causes of disease complex procedure. The diagnosis is made in a complete way using a variety of methods. In the first phase, the doctor listens to the patient carefully for the presence of complaints and produces its evaluation. Second stage: palpation of the affected area of the back, orthopedic tests for the identification of the symptoms.

If the doctor is willing to endure the diagnosis, it forwards the patient to the doctor with more of a narrow profile (cardiologist, oncologist, orthopedic surgeon).

Depending on the factors to produce a radiograph of the chest or spine, is held on the magnetic RESONANCE imaging, removed cardiogram, the heart exploring the ultrasound. If the factors that cause pain are found in diseases of the GASTROINTESTINAL tract, the patient offer spend fibrogastroduodenoscopy. If the reason was respiratory diseases, doctors produced bronchoscopy. In addition, the patient surrenders to a series of tests: urine, feces, blood, etc.,


treatment back

If the patient pursues a strong pain, that it is impossible to endure, the medical staff directs its efforts on the relief of pain and symptoms. The patient of drugs prescribed to relieve the inflammation and relieve the pain in the form of injections, ointments, tablets.

The main task of the doctor to cure the root cause that caused the disease, and not the consequence. The treatment was prescribed by a specialist after all the spent investigation and analysis. Remember that pain wears the nature of long-term, regardless of the location and the nature will not go away, that it necessarily must be treated until she was an inflammation.

If the root cause is the purpose of the diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for the treatment to apply in the course of massage or manual therapy, electrophoresis. In exceptional cases the sick indicated the surgery with the course of anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics.

If the back pain from myositis or problems with a low tone in the back, it is enough to do gymnastics in the house, heat, muscle ointments, rub the tincture. The other problems of disease and are cared for by a doctor only, which collects the treatment in accordance with the main cause of the disease. Do not neglect the advice of a doctor in all types of back pain, because, as can be the consequence of chronic or acute diseases, which should be treated immediately.